Universities in Transformation:
of Preparing Graduates for Global Citizenship
for Global Citizenship
Mandla Makhanya
15.1 Introduction Mandla Makhanya
The concept of a responsible and critical citizenry is acknowledged
globally as a foundational responsibility of the university (Unesco 1998;
Ahier, J, Beck, J, and Moore, R: 2003; Robbins, A: 1963; Dearing.
1997 ; DoE 1997). Such citizenship is not an axiomatic “by-product” or
outcome of higher education, but involves a process of “socialization”
which assumes that graduates, in the course their studies, will develop
an ability to think critically and analytically, that they will have a
thorough understanding of their societies both nationally and
internationally, as well as a mature knowledge of ethical and responsible
citizenship, and its practice.
This may be demonstrated in forward-thinking, “enlightened”
reflection, in the evaluation, analysis and renewal of current knowledges
and the production of new tributaries of innovation, and in an
environment of tolerance for the public good (DoE, 1997: 1.2 – 1.4).
The World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-First
Century: Vision and Action confirms that students should “(b) be able to