Future of Dentistry Full Report

(Grace) #1


not be limited to, outreach programs in the K-12
educational environments, community outreach
efforts, public education programs, mentorship
associations, scholarships and other incentive pro-
grams. Alliances with organizations outside the den-
tal profession would foster a team effort that
extends to every level of the social structure.

Clinical Practice Recommendation-6:The dental
profession, through collaboration among all levels
of organized dentistry, governmental agencies and
educational institutions, should devise a program of
recruitment to encourage the youth of minority pop-
ulations to enter an educational track that would
lead to joining the dental workforce.

Workforce Mobility........................................................................................................................

The social responsibility that the dental profes-
sion assumes demands that it help ensure an ade-
quate workforce. States have traditionally retained
the responsibility assuring the best interests of their
citizens regarding health services. This has translat-
ed into assessing competency and deciding the stan-
dards required by health professionals to practice
within the various states. This is an important prin-
ciple and needs to be maintained, while continuing
to meet the needs of a mobile citizenry. It is impor-
tant to note also that need and demand for dental
services are sometimes unsatisfied in certain geo-
graphic areas because of a scarcity of dental work-
force. Improved workforce mobility would facili-
tate adjustments to satisfy regional requirements.

Clinical Practice Recommendation-7:The dental
profession should support licensure by credentials
for dentists and dental hygienists.

The increasing demand for preventive dental serv-
ices requires greater use of personnel from the allied
dental team. There are regional shortages of dental
hygienists that increase the difficulty of fulfilling
staffing needs. The lack of mobility of dental hygien-
ists created by state licensure processes is another fac-
tor contributing to the staffing shortfall for dental
hygienists. Varying levels of duties allowable in states
cause discrepancies in training, ability and compensa-
tion. This, in turn, inhibits geographic mobility.
To encourage potential applicants to enter the
profession, and to retain qualified hygienists,
authorized duties should be commensurate in all

venues and the ability to move from one state to
another should be possible. In addition, the duties
allowed for dental assistants should be uniform
among all states, allowing well-trained and experi-
enced individuals to provide services in areas to
which they move.

Clinical Practice Recommendation-8: Workforce
studies should be undertaken to identify the opti-
mum number and distribution of allied dental per-

Clinical Practice Recommendation-9: The dental
profession should establish as a goal the standardi-
zation of approved duties for allied personnel with-
in the United States.

Public Awareness............................................................................................................................

The public must understand the importance of
oral health in order to appreciate and take advan-
tage of the services available. Education efforts
must be made to ensure that every individual is
aware of the necessity of visiting a dental practi-
tioner on a regular basis. Optimal oral health care
can be achieved only by a cooperative effort of all inter-
ested parties, including the public, the government, pri-
vate industry, and health care providers. Alliances
should be forged to structure and fund this effort.

Clinical Practice Recommendation-10:An alliance
should be formed comprised of the dental profes-
sion, organized dentistry, government health agen-
cies and dental industry to develop and fund a
"National Health Awareness Campaign" focusing
on increasing the awareness of the public and poli-
cymakers of the importance of oral health.

Clinical Practice Recommendation-11: Lobbying
activities should be organized that include the par-
ticipation of all levels of society to convince legisla-
tors that oral health is a major part of general health
and that increased funding is necessary to support
efforts to achieve the goal of optimum oral health
for all.

Low-income children often suffer from dental neg-
lect and pain. This can cause decreased nutrition, inat-
tention in school, and lost school days. Studies
show a 60% decrease in dental decay in communi-
ties with fluoridated water. It is unacceptable to

Vision and Recommendations
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