Buddhism : Critical Concepts in Religious Studies, Vol. VI

(Brent) #1

Ksatriya, Vaisya, Sudra. It is the same (in name) according to the work. Time is
reckoned from fertilization in the womb, and from year seven until year twelve,
one can do this ciic}iikarma and ear piercing.

  1. Initiation as adult male householder3^1

(A rite for males): Between years 7 and 12, when the bartabandhm:za is per-
formed, one cuts the hair, leaving the al!lgsii; one cuts the nails, and then sesame
and amba are used for bathing. Following the rules, one does a piijii. Then one
gives an arrow, water pot, and stick, and sends the child to the forest. If he is one
who prefers to stay a householder, one carries the child to the (nearest) outside
Gane5a, gives alms, and brings the child home. Then there is an auspicious cele-

  1. First monastic initiation^32
    Again, (if) one lives at home, one cuts the hair completely (including the
    topknot (iil!lgsii)) and the nails. After he puts on kiisi^33 clothing, the 5 teachings
    and 10 teachings^34 are given.
    So having been sent to the sal!lgha for the 3 refuges and having taken the
    sis/iiku^35 in the right hand and the begging bowl in the left hand, the Sal!lgha will
    give instruction in the Six Piiramitiis^36 and then be told of the Catur Brahma
    Vihiira^37 and the Aryan Truths.^38
    Having been given the Koti Sik$ii^39 and the Bodhisattva Jiiiina,^40 if one
    acquires both of these, he is called "Bhilcyu". And even if he acquires 1/4 of
    these two, "Sriimaneka". And even if he acquires 1/2 of the "Sriimaneka", he is
    called "Ciiiraka". And among these three, the best is the Bhik~u. But they
    cannot perform the homa karma (piijii).

  2. Initiation as Vajriiciirya
    If one is born into a Sakya clan, after the Pravarthya GrahaQa is acquired, that
    Bhik~u is called "Bande". After the Bhik~u [stage], the one having the grahaQa
    of the vajra and bell is called "Sri Vajracarya", and reaches the highest stage.
    For the one who can pass the NirmiiQa level^41 but has no other higher aspira-
    tions, one gives him the vajriiciirya abhi:seka. And he will have all rights such as
    [doing] homa karma, etc. That man who has these two -the vajra-ghaTJtha initia-
    tion and the right to perform homa karma, he earns the status of Vajriiciirya. If one
    has the [title] "Mahayana Sutra Pandit", he will give the most auspicious darsana.

  3. Marriage"^2
    On the right date and right moment, one looks for a girl with a body possessed
    of good characteristics.

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