Buddhism : Critical Concepts in Religious Studies, Vol. VI

(Brent) #1

Yu mo Mi bskyod rdo rje^20 was the originator of the Jo nail pa doctrine. At
first a yogin, he later became a monk with the name of Dad pa rgyal po. He
attended on many spiritual-superiors including Sog 'dul 'dsin; and [2a] he heard
some teachings from Somanii.tha, the great pal)Qit from Kasmlr.^21 From
Somanii.tha's disciple sGro ston gNam Ia brtsegs^22 he heard in detail the
Tantravrtti [the Vimalaprabhii.] of the Kii.lacakra together with its upadeia, as
well as the Pradipoddyotana [of the Guhyasamii.ja] together with its upadesa.
He then went to 'U yug and achieved intuitive-comprehension (:adhigama) by
means of realization-in-meditation (bhiivanii); and the gzan stan theory appeared
in his mind. As a master of abhijfiii. he was very well known as an adept
(siddha), for he many times manifested many transformations-through-artifice in
the shape of a crow, a magpie and so forth. He also composed some manuals on
the Kii.lacakra. He died at the age of82 [i.e. in his 82nd year].
The chief of his many disciples was his son Dharmdvara.^23 Up to the age of
twenty he mastered all the texts and the traditional instructions belonging to the
great adept. And, attending on many scholars, he cultivated above all the Mii.d-
hyamika and logic, the Guhyasamii.ja, and the Kii.lacakra [2b]. Fully endowed as
he was with transcending discriminative knowledge (prajiiii), he is known as the
manifestation of Mafijusrl. Several of his teachings are extant.
His great disciple was Nam mkha' 'od zer; and the latter's pupil was
Dharmdvara's son Se mo che ba Nam mkha' rgyal mtshan.^24 Next came 'Jam
gsar ses rab 'od zer.^25 It is said that until then the scripture (iigama) of the Kii.la-
cakra was limited (in its diffusion),^26 but that after 'Jam gsar the teaching
became generalized.
The latter's pupil was the omniscient Chos sku 'od zer.^27 His pupil was the
anchorite Thugs rje brtson 'grus who composed a treatise on the sByor drug
(Sadailgayoga). His pupil was Byan sems rGyal be ye ses.^28 Yon tan rgya mtsho,
learned and reverend, was the pupil of the last two masters;^29 and his disciple
was Dol bu pa ses rab rgyal mtshan, known as the Omniscient.^30
Dol bu pa listened extensively to the Sutra and Tantra doctrines under more
than thirty masters, and he studied in detail Pii.ramitii., logic and Abhidharma
under sKyi ston 'Jam dbyails grags pa rgyal mtshan.^31 He then held philosophi-
cal discussions in the provinces of dBus and gTsail and became very well known
as a scholar. From sKyi ston he heard all the Mantra instructions such as the
Consecration (abhi:feka) itself and about seventy ancillary indications. He
received the bhik~u's ordination from the great iiciirya of Chos luil tshogs pa,
bSod nams grags pa.^32
Until then he had been a follower of the Sa skya pa doctrine; but at the age of
31 he went to Jo mo nail and heard many Consecrations and instructions, and
above all the dbati khrid of the Kii.lacakra, from the learned and reverend Yon
tan rgya mtsho [3a]. Henceforth he followed the doctrinal tradition of the Jo nail
pas; and through his realization-in-meditation of the Sadailgayoga the sign of
perfect prii!Jiiyiima appeared.^33 He then occupied the abbatial seat of Jo nan and
constructed the great sku 'bum.^34

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