caritram hosalan caiva vindhyii kaumiirapaurikii I
upapilavam tatsannivesam vajragarbha mahiikrpa /11711
smasiinam pretasamhiitam smaSiinam codadhes tatah I
udyiinam viipikiitlram upasmasiinam nigadyate I I 181148
In this passage, the list of ten kinds of pl{has and places which correspond to
them is as follows:
1 pltha: a. Jalandhara b. O<;liyana c. Paufl.lagiri d. Kamarupa
2 upapltha: a. Malava b. Sindhu c. Nagara
3 k$etra: a. Munmuni b. Karm;yapiitaka c. Devikota d. Karmarapiitaka
4 upak$etra: a. Kulata b. Arbuda c. Godavari d. Himadri
5 chandoha: a. Harikera b. (the place) arisen in the middle of the salt-ocean c.
Lampaka d. Kaficika e. Saura~tra
6 upacchandoha: Kaliilga b. the island of gold c. Kokm;a
7 pllava: a. (the place) on the boundary of the village b. (the place on the
boundary) of the city c. Caritra d. Kosala e. Vindya f. Kaumiirapaurika
8 upapllava: a. (the place) near to it
9 smasiina: a. (the place) where dead spirits haunt b. the ocean-shore
10 upasmasiina: a. the garden b. the shore of the pool
Here, meliipaka and upameliipaka which appeared in verse I 0 were elimi-
nated. Some of these names of places appear to be imaginary or to be mere mod-
ifiers; the number of these places is difficult to determine. However, in the
Samvarodaya-tantra which follows the Hevajra-tantra, the system of the places
of pilgrimage has been consolidated firmly as is shown in the following passage
of the chapter 9 of the tantra:
madyamiimsapriyii nityam lajjiibhayaniisanl ca yii I
cfiikinlkhulasambhiitiih sahajii iti hathyate I
dese dese 'bhijiiyante yoginih sevayet sadii /11211
meliipakam I
smasiinaii copasmasiinaii ca jambudvlpe vyavasthitiih 11131 I
pltham piir!Jagirau khyiitam pltham jiilandharam tathii I
o(iiyiinam tathii pltham pltham arbudam eva ca 111411
godiivary upapltam syiit tathii riimeivarii dvayam I
devlkotiibhidhiinan ca miilavaii copaplthaham /11511
kiimariipam dvyam k$elram o(irak$etriibhidhiinakam I
trisakuny upak$etram syiit hosalas copak$etrakam /11611
kali11galampiikayos ca cchandohan ca tathaiva ca I
kiiiicihii copacchandoham himalaya vise$atah 111711
pretiidhiviisinl melii grhadevatam eva ca I
saurii${re suvan:zadvlpe ca upameliipakadvayam 111811