Commentary on Romans

(Jacob Rumans) #1

He says that thenight had advanced, because we are not so overwhelmed with thick darkness
as the unbelieving are, to whom no spark of life appears; but the hope of resurrection is placed by
the gospel before our eyes; yea, the light of faith, by which we discover that the full brightness of
celestial glory is nigh at hand, ought to stimulate us, so that we may not grow torpid on the earth.
But afterwards, when he bids us to walk in the light, as it were during the day time, he does not
continue the same metaphor; for he compares to the day our present state, while Christ shines on
us. His purpose was in various ways to exhort us, — at one time to meditate on our future life; at
another, to contemplate the present favor of God.
13.Not in reveling, etc. He mentions here three kinds of vices, and to each he has given two
names, — intemperant and excess in living, — carnal lust and uncleanness, which is connected
with it, — and envy and contention. If these have in them so much filthiness, that even carnal men
are ashamed to commit them before the eyes of men, it behooves us, who are in the light of God,
at all times to abstain from them; yea, even when we are withdrawn from the presence of men. As
to the third vice, though contention is put before envying, there is yet. no doubt but that Paul intended
to remind us, that strifes and contests arise from this fountain; for when any one seeks to excel,
there is envying of one another; but ambition is the source of both evils.^411
14.But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, etc. This metaphor is commonly used in Scripture with
respect to what tends to adorn or to deform man; both of which may be seen in his clothing: for a
filthy and torn garment dishonors a man; but what is becoming and clean recommends him. Now
to put on Christ, means here to be on every side fortified by the power of his Spirit, and be thereby
prepared to discharge all the duties of holiness; for thus is the image of God renewed in us, which
is the only true ornament of the soul. For Paul had in view the end of our calling; inasmuch as God,
by adopting us, unites us to the body of his only-begotten Son, and for this purpose, — that we,
renouncing our former life, may become new men in him.^412 On this account he says also in another
place, that we put on Christ in baptism. (Galatians 3:27.)
And have no care, etc. As long as we carry about us our flesh, we cannot cast away every care
for it; for though our conversation is in heaven, we yet sojourn on earth. The things then which
belong to the body must be taken care of, but not otherwise than as they are helps to us in our
pilgrimage, and not that they may make us to forget our country. Even heathens have said, that a
few things suffice nature, but that the appetites of men are insatiable. Every one then who wishes
to satisfy the desires of the flesh, must necessarily not only fall into, but be immerged in a vast and
deep gulf.
Paul, setting a bridle on our desires, reminds us, that the cause of all intemperance is, that no
one is content with a moderate or lawful use of things: he has therefore laid down this rule, — that

(^411) The case is the same with the two preceding instances; the vice which seems to follow is placed first. Revelling is first
mentioned, though drunkenness goes before it; and “chambering,” or concubinage, or indulgence in unlawful lusts is first stated,
though lasciviousness or wantonness is the source from which it proceeds. It is an example of the Apostle’s mode of writing
similar to what we find in Romans 11:29, as to “the gifts and calling of God,” and in verse 33, as to “the wisdom and knowledge
of God.” — Ed.
(^412) Many have explained “the putting on” here in a manner wholly inconsistent with the passage, as though the putting on of
Christ’s righteousness was intended. Calvin keeps to what accords with the context, the putting on of Christ as to his holy image.
Sanctification, and not justification, is the subject of the passage. To put on Christ, then, is to put on his virtues and graces, to
put on or be endued with his spirit, to imitate his conduct and to copy his example. This is in addition to the putting him on as
our righteousness, and not as a substitute for it. Both are necessary: for Christ is our sanctification, the author, worker, and
example of it, as well as our righteousness. — Ed.

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