Commentary on Romans

(Jacob Rumans) #1

give a literal rendering: for by the word strive, or contend, he alludes to the difficulties by which
he was oppressed, and by bidding them to assist in this contest, he shows how the godly ought to
pray for their brethren, that they are to assume their person, as though they were placed in the same
difficulties; and he also intimates the effect which they have; for he who commends his brother to
the Lord, by taking to himself a part of his distress, do so far relieve him. And indeed if our strength
is derived from prayer to God, we can in no better way confirm our brethren, than by praying to
God for them.
31.That my ministration, etc. Slanderers had so prevailed by their accusations, that he even
feared that the present would hardly be acceptable, as coming from his hands, which otherwise,
under such a distress, would have been very seasonable. And hence appears his wonderful meekness,
for he ceased not to labor for those to whom he doubted whether he would be acceptable. This
disposition of mind we ought to imitate, so that we may not cease to do good to those of whose
gratitude we are by no means certain. We must also notice that he honors with the name of saints
even those by whom he feared he would be suspected, and deemed unwelcome. He also knew that,
saints may sometimes be led away by false slanders into unfavorable opinions, and though he knew
that they wronged him, he yet ceased not to speak honorably of them.
By adding that I may come to you, he intimates that this prayer would be profitable also to them,
and that it concerned them that he should not be killed in Judea. To the same purpose is the
expression with joy; for it would be advantageous to the Romans for him to come to them in a
cheerful state of mind and free from all grief, that he might in a more lively and strenuous manner
labor among them. And by the word refreshed,^467 or satisfied, he again shows how fully persuaded
he was of their brotherly love. The words by the will of God remind us how necessary it is to be
diligent in prayer, for God alone directs all our ways by his providence.
And the God of peace,^468 etc. From the universal word all, I conclude that he did not simply
pray that God would be present with and favor the Romans in a general sense, but that he would
rule and guide every one of them. But the word peace refers, I think, to their circumstances at the
time, that God, the author of peace, would keep them all united together.

wrestling with the angel. Genesis 32:24. A strenuous and earnest supplication is intended. Pareus says, that it is a metaphor taken
from warfare, when a soldier comes to the help of another: but rather from the games, when there is a striving for the prize. He
would have the Romans to make a similar strenuous effort for him in prayer to God. The word , is an agonistic and not a
military term. — Ed.

(^467) It was a mutual refreshment, according to Romans 1:12. The verb here used, says Grotius, means to give and to receive
comfort. The verb without its compound , is found in 1 Corinthians 16:18; 2 Corinthians 7:13; Philemon 1:7, etc. — Ed.
(^468) Lover, author, or bestower of peace. This intimates that there were strifes and contentions among them. Paul often speaks
of God as the God of peace, especially when referring to the discords which prevailed among Christians. See 1 Corinthians
14:33; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Philippians 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; 2 Thessalonians 3:16; Hebrews 13:20. — Ed.

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