Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting
Week 1– Day 2
This day of the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan features easy-to-prepare
menus, which offer exciting flavors and good nutrition; you’ll enjoy plenty of
delicious foods that will keep you satisfied. For the High-Energy Breakfast,
you’ll enjoy a Tropical Energy Smoothie, for the Power Luncha Mediter-
ranean Turkey Salad with Mushrooms, and for the Slimming Dinner tasty
Mediterranean Cod with Red Peppers and Basil. Along with these, you’ll also
enjoy a High-Energy Snackof pears, almonds, and grapes; an Appetizer Sat-
isfierof zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower; a Green Power Side Dishfeatur-
ing kale; and Healthier Lifestyle Tea. These meals are composed of
nutrient-rich foods that give you many of the health-promoting nutrients you
need every day.
Healthier Lifestyle Tea (pg. 137)
High-Energy Breakfast:
Tropical Energy Smoothie (pg. 141)
Energizing Snack:
1 medium-sized pear
3 almonds
Healthier Lifestyle Tea (pg. 137)
Power Lunch:
Mediterranean Turkey Salad with Mushrooms (pg. 151)
Energizing Snack:
1 cup red grapes
3 almonds
Healthier Lifestyle Tea (pg. 137)
Slimming Dinner:
Appetizer Satisfier:
1 cup zucchini slices
½ cup sliced carrots
½ cup cauliflower florets
Mediterranean Cod with Red Peppers and Basil (pg. 161)
Healthy Mashed Sweet Potatoes (pg. 185)
Green Power Side Dish:
5-Minute Kale (pg. 182)