Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

factors, no single factor is more important to our health than the
food we eat. Because the concept of practicing a healthier way of
eating is so amazingly simple, healthy eating can easily be over-
looked as a means to resolving our problem of being overweight.
Yet, promoting the intake of nutrient-rich, health-promoting, and
satisfying foods—like the World’s Healthiest Foods--can prove to be
one of the most powerful ways to affect better health and healthy
weight loss.

The effective one-two punch toward better health and healthy weight
loss comes from increasing our intake of nutrient-rich foods, such
as the World’s Healthiest Foods, and reducing our intake of nutrient-
poor foods. This is what I focus upon in this book, Healthy Weight
Loss – Without Dieting. In addition to describing why nutrient-rich
World’s Healthiest Food can help you lose weight and gain better
health, I’ve also included a Healthy Weight Loss Eating Planthat
takes the guesswork out of preparing 4 weeks’ worth of meals that
will set you on your way to your weight loss and wellness-fulfilling

In the beginning, when you start on the Plan, you may feel deprived
when you can't eat your favorite refined, nutrient-poor foods. But
after two weeks of eating more nutrient-rich foods, you will find
that your "craving" for refined, nutrient-poor foods will decrease,
as they will begin to taste too sugary, too salty, and too fatty; you
will then begin to enjoy the more delicate flavors of fresh, whole,
nutrient-rich foods, like the crispiness of fresh salads, the delicate
sweetness of blueberries, the robust flavors of high-energy vegetables,
and the creamy richness of almonds.

Increasing awareness of the World’s Healthiest Foods can be our
key to change. As we become increasingly conscious of what is
contained in processed refined, nutrient-poor foods, we can start
looking at them in a different way. We will then be less drawn in by
their image of convenience and fun and stimulation, rather seeing
them for what they really are —foods that are associated with our

Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting
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