Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

salad meals are not the "salads" that many of us grew up with con-
sistingof a bowl of iceberg lettuce topped with tomatoes and French
dressing. These are nutrient-rich, nourishing meals that can be
prepared in just minutes using easy-to-find fresh ingredients.

I rediscovered the lost history of the classic Mediterranean-style
salad while traveling the world to more than 80 countries, visiting
people and cultures where there were traditionally few, if any, instances
of the modern diseases that plague us today. These were countries
where the people had come to expect the natural enjoymentof a long
and vigorous life such as the Mediterranean countries, including
the Greek Island of Crete. Salad meals were a large part of the diets
in these areas. The Romans called them salatas.

Mediterranean-style salad meals are fresh, crisp, and delicious and
there is absolutely no nutrient that cannot be obtained from them. It
can be one of the most enjoyable meals of the day. In fact, a salad
meal with a foundation of different types of lettuce and containing
a wide variety of foods will often be closer to a "complete meal"
than many other food possibilities. However, not all lettuce is created
equal. The darker leaf lettuces provide you with more vitamins. And
the lettuce in salads provides you with plenty of fiber so you feel
satisfiedand satiated. In addition, if you limit the amount of dressing,
they can also be low in calories!

Here are some of your best salad green choices

  • Romaine lettuce

  • Spinach

  • Green leafy lettuce

  • Red leaf lettuce

  • Boston lettuce

  • Arugula

  • Watercresss

  • Endive

Practical Tips for Continued Healthy Weight Loss
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