The Healthiest Way of Cooking
200 calories to your meal. By using broth instead of oil to sauté, you
can save yourself most of these calories. You probably don’t disagree
that that’s a lot of calories, that can be used in a betterway.
One more note about oil: as you’ll notice, extra virgin olive oil is a
key component of the Mediterranean diet, and it is also one of the
foods (and the only oil) included as a World’s Healthiest Food. But
I don’t suggest cooking with it because its monounsaturated fats and
polyphenol antioxidants can become damaged. Instead I suggest
using it in salads and dressings, and drizzled on vegetables, fish,
and chicken. (The highest heat I think it can take would be in the
makingof sauces.)
How to bring out the health benefits of alllium and
cruciferous vegetables
After you cut your allium vegetables or cruciferous vegetables, if
you let them sit for 5-10 minutes before cooking them you can help
enhance their health-promoting properties.
Allium vegetables
The latest scientific research tells us that slicing, chopping, mincing
or pressing allium vegetables (i.e, garlic, onions, and leeks) before
cooking will enhance the health-promoting properties of garlic. A
sulfur-based compound called alliin and an enzyme called alliinase
are separated in the garlic's cell structure when it is whole. Cutting
garlic ruptures the cells and releases these elements allowing them
to come in contact and form a powerful new compound called alli-
icin which not only adds to the number of garlic's health-promoting
benefits but is also the culprit behind their pungent aroma and gives
garlic its "bite".
When it comes to garlic, the more finely it is chopped, the more al-
liicin is produced. Pressing garlic or mincing them into a smooth
paste will give you the strongest flavor and the greatest amount of
alliicin. The stronger the smell and flavor of garlic, the more health-
promoting nutrients they contain. So the next time you chop, mince