Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1


Healthy Weight

Loss Stories

I started the George Mateljan Foundation ten years ago with one
aim in mind—to help people discover the World’s Healthiest Foods,
so they could enjoy better health. This goal guided the creation of
our World’s Healthiest Foods website (www.WHFoods.org) and The
World’s Healthiest Foodsbook.

During the past 10 years, I have been delighted to receive thousands
of letters of gratitude from Readers, who have taken the time to
share with me how eating the World’s Healthiest Foods has changed
their lives. They have written to tell me that they have experienced
greater energy, better sleep, more lustrous hair, clearer skin, enhanced
concentration and memory, and many other signs of overall vitality.
Others have also shared that eating the World’s Healthiest Foods has
helped their cholesterol to drop, their blood pressure to normalize,
their blood sugar levels to stabilize, and their headaches to dissipate.

Over the years, Readers have shared with me how much they have
learned from the WHFoods website and The World’s Healthiest
Foodsbook. Yet, this learning is definitely a two-way street: as
Readers have learned from us, we have also learned so much from
them. One of the discoveries that I find most exciting has been the
recognition of yet another incredibly positive benefit of the World’s
Healthiest Foods:

Enjoying the World's Healthiest Foods is the perfect way to
lose excess weight and maintain a healthful weight without

Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting
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