the pleasure of eating! They often require letting others make all the
decisions for us, and usually involve having to give up the joys of
eating for a promise that we will lose weight.
Many weight loss diets ask us to turn our lives completely over to a
predetermined script not of our making. We are often asked to build
our breakfasts, lunches, and dinners around highly processed foods
that we didn’t select, cook, or even choose from a list of favorites.
By letting someone else make all of these decisions for us, and by
give up the joys of eating for a promise that we will lose weight.
On the contrary, I am of the opinion that selecting and preparing
your own meals—like I did when I lost my own weight—is one of
the best ways to help you lose weight, save money, and make healthy
eating a regular part of your lifestyle; you don’t experience this from
a temporary diet. That's why I developed my new Healthiest Way of
Cooking methods to help you prepare the World's Healthiest Foods in
hundredsof healthy, great tasting recipes, which make weight loss an
easy and enjoyable pursuit that anybody can undertake.
Healthy Weight Loss – Without Dieting
What Readers had written about turned out to be an unexpected
finding about World’s Healthiest Foods—without additional effort
they watched extra pounds melt away!
Their letters were an inspiration to me! Not only were they rewarding
to read but they also clearly made me see more about how improved
health and weight loss go hand-in-hand.Their successful weight loss
stories are the foundation for my insights about the way to achieve
healthy weight loss without dieting, which I share with you in this
book. I want to express my sincere appreciation to these readers
for taking the time to relay their stories to me. I hope this book will
help you to realize that healthy weight loss is not merely an idealistic
goal but one you can readily achieve with the World's Healthiest
Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting