Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

promoting compounds) for a minimal amount of calories. In sharp
contrast, nutrient-poor foods are ones that provide a small number
of nutrients, but a large number of calories; these include processed,
refined, and fast foods.

So by enjoying their meals composed of nutrient-rich World's
Healthiest Foods, it was much easier for Readers to get all of the
nutrients their bodies required for vital health and energy without
exceedingthe amount of calories that their bodies needed to maintain
optimal weight. And, at the same time, they were satisfying their
appetite and taste buds. For this reason, when they relied on the
World’s Healthiest Foods, they lost weight naturally, effortlessly,
and surprisingly quickly—a winning combination. These foods are
nutritional bargains; they provide an abundanceof health-promoting
nutrients without a lot of calories.

The World’s Healthiest Foods are whole foods that contain all of the
nutrients that nature provides to ensure the health and life of plants
and animals. When we eat nutrient-rich World's Healthiest Foods,
especially when they are organically grown, we enjoy the protective
qualities nature has supplied; nothing is contained in these foods
that doesn’t need to be there. Because the World’s Healthiest Foods
provide what is essential and leave out what it unnecessary, they are
custom-tailored for weight management. And the more you eat them,
the better they will taste. Nutrient-rich World's Healthiest Foods are
the new force for change—they can make a healthier and slimmer you.

Why the Nutrient-Rich World’s Healthiest Foods

Promote Healthy Weight Loss

What is it about nutrient-richness that helps promote weight loss?
Several factors are involved. Nutrient-rich foods provide our body
with outstanding nutrient support that enables our body to carry out
its metabolic activities in an optimal way. Metabolic activities, such
as the burning of unwanted fat (a process called beta-oxidation), are
best supported by a diet that is rich in nutrients.

Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting
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