weight, the systems that generate energy and spark your metabolism.
We now know that excess fat, especially visceral fat, is not merely
a storage depot for extra calories, but functions as an endocrine
organ significantly increasing inflammation. Many of the health-
promoting nutrients found in nutrient-rich World’s Healthiest Foods
help keep inflammation under control, which is especially important
if you have excess fat that you are trying to lose. Since excess fat
stored into your fat cells acts as a trigger for unwanted inflammation,
when you lose your unwanted fat, you will also be reducing unwanted
inflammation. This is one of the key reasons that excess weight is
associated with so many health problems. (I’ll cover inflammation
and weight control in more detail in Chapter 10).
A balanced intake of the World's Healthiest Foods enables you to
meet your nutrient needs without exceeding your caloric needs—
the ideal formula for health and healthy weight loss. Unlike tradi-
tional diets, which only focus on reducing calorie intake, leaving
you at risk of being nutrient-deprived (and remember, those nutrients
are needed to run your metabolic engine), Healthy Weight Loss –
Without Dietingfocuses on nutrient-rich World’s Healthiest Foods,
which deliver lots of nutrients for few calories, literally priming
your metabolic pump to burn stored fat. When enjoying the World's
Healthiest Foods losing excess weight is not only effortless but
virtually inevitable.
In addition to providing you with the health-promoting nutrients
your body must have if you are to feel your best and lose weight, the
nutrient-rich World’s Healthiest Foods naturally satisfy your appetite
because they contain a diversity of all the nutrients that play a
biochemical role in satiety (quenching your appetite). These nutrients
include soluble and insoluble fiber, amino acids, fatty acids, and a
number of other unique food components. All of these are in the
World’s Healthiest Foods pre-packaged in just the right amounts.
For all these reasons, the World’s Healthiest Foods fill you up without
filling you out. You’ll enjoy what you eat and feel satisfied by your
Healthy Weight Loss Stories