minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients, but you’ll be avoiding calorie-
rich sugary foods such as cakes, cookies, and ice cream.
Using blueberries as an example for fruit, you can see from the chart
below that it is concentrated in important essential nutrients. Yet, the
chart here can be deceiving since what blueberries—as well as many
other fruits—also deliver are vast amounts of phytonutrients, such as
carotenoids and flavonoids. As these nutrients currently do not have
DVs, they are not represented in the chart.
Some World’s Healthiest Foods Are More
Nutrient-rich Than Others
I’ve set the bar of nutrient-richness high for all of the World’s
Healthiest Foods. However, even within the master list of my
World’s Healthiest Foods, some foods are more nutrient-rich than
others. To easily evaluate the level of nutrients that these foods provide
per calorie, look at the Total Nutrient-Richness Chart below. It shows
the World’s Healthiest Foods arranged by food group and total nutri-
ent-richness score. This score was calculated by evaluating each food
and seeing how many health-promoting nutrients it provided at a
richness level of excellent, very good, or good. For more details on
how this total score was calculated, see page 213 in the Appendix.
Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting
1 cup blueberries 81 calories
Nutrient %DV
Vitamin C 31
Manganese 20
Dietary Fiber 16
Vitamin E 7