Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

B3 (Niacin) Helps stabilize blood sugar
levels; Helps lower
cholesterol levels; Helps
body process fat

Fatigue, listlessness;
Sensations of weakness;
Numbness, tingling, and
shooting pains in feet

Fatty Acids

Help prevent excessive in-
flammation throughout
body; Help keep blood
from clotting excessively

Dry, itchy skin; Brittle
hair and nails; Fatigue;
Depression; Inability to
concentrate; Joint pain


Helps transform carbohy-
drates and fats into energy;
Can improve ability to re-
spond to stress; Helps as-
sure adequate production
of healthy fats in cells;
Helps body process fat

Fatigue, listlessness;
Sensations of weakness;
Numbness, tingling, and
shooting pains in feet

Phosphorus Helps form bones and
teeth; Vital for energy

Weakness; Weight loss;
Irritability; Anxiety;
Increased incidence of

Potassium Lowers risk of high blood
pressure; Helps maintain
pH balance

Muscular weakness;
Confusion; Irritability;
Fatigue; Heart problems;
Chronic diarrhea

Protein Helps maintain healthy
skin, hair, and nails; Helps
keep immune system
functioning properly

Weight loss; Muscle
wasting; Fatigue and
weakness; Frequent

Selenium Helps protect cells from
free-radical damage;
Required for thyroid
hormone production

Whitening of fingernail
beds; Weakness and pain
in muscles; Discoloration
of hair and skin

Tryptophan Required for proper sleep
regulation; Helps regulate

Overeating or carbohy-
drate cravings; Depres-
sion; Anxiety; Inability to

Vitamin A Helps preserve and
improve eyesight; Helps
fight viral infections,
colds, and flu

Dry, scaly, rough skin;
Frequent infections; Night

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