B1 (Thiamin) Helps maintain energy
supplies; Helps support
proper heart function
Pins and needles sensa-
tions; Feeling of numb-
ness, especially in legs;
Muscular tenderness
Helps protect cells from
oxygen damage; Helps
support cellular energy
Sensitivity to light; Tear-
ing, burning, and itching
of eyes; Soreness around
lips, mouth, and tongue;
Cracking of the skin in
corners of the mouth
Helps support nervous
system health; Help
promote proper breakdown
of sugar and starches
Fatigue; Anemia; Skin
disorders including
eczema and dermatitis
Vitamin B12 Helps prevent anemia;
Required for nerve cells to
develop properly; Helps
cells metabolize protein,
carbohydrates, and fats
Tingling or numbness in
feet; Red or sore tongue;
Depression; Nervousness;
Memory problems
Vitamin C Helps protect cells from
free-radical damage;
Improves iron absorption
from plant foods
Frequent colds and
infections; Lung-related
problems; Poor wound
Vitamin D Helps keep bones and
teeth strong and healthy;
Helps prevent excessive
Thinning bones; Frequent
bone fractures/soft bones;
Lack of exposure to sun-
light; Bone deformities in
Vitamin E Helps prevent cell damage
from free radicals; Helps
protect skin from
excessive exposure to
ultraviolet light
Tingling or loss of
sensation in arms, hands,
legs and feet; Digestive
system problems
Vitamin K Allows blood to clot
normally; Helps
absorption of calcium and
helps prevent osteoporosis
Excessive bruising and
bleeding; Digestion, liver,
and gallbladder problems
Zinc Helps balance blood sugar;
Helps support optimal
sense of smell and taste
Frequent colds and
infections; Depression;
Impaired sense of taste
and smell
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