Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting
Healthy Weight Loss Eating Planthat has made headlines when it
comes to its role in healthy weight loss is green tea, which contains
major components that may help to promote fat loss: catechins,
caffeine, and theanine. Studies suggest that green tea compounds
may help promote fat loss by inhibiting both gastric and pancreatic
lipase, the enzymes that digest triglycerides, and synthetase, the
enzyme responsible for synthesizing fatty acids into the form in
which they can be stored in the body’s adipose (fat) cells. It is for
this reason—as well as the fact that green tea’s antioxidant concen-
tration has been found to be health promoting on many levels—that
I emphasize its consumption in the Healthy Weight Loss Eating
Plan. (My Healthier Lifestyle Tea is composed of green tea and
lemon juice.)
I’d like to point out one further area of research involving optimal
metabolism and weight loss—that area is contamination of whole,
natural foods with pesticides and other toxic substances when these
foods are grown and processed in an unhealthy way. There’s some
preliminary evidence to suggest that chlorine-containing pesticides
and other compounds (collectively referred to as “organochlorines”)
can interrupt the process of thermogenesis and make weight loss
more difficult through this means. My emphasis on organically
grown foods lets you steer clear of these organochlorine contami-
nants!You won’t have to worry about them interrupting your
body’s metabolism if you stick as much as possible with organi-
cally grown whole foods.