Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

It turns out that most people who have too much fat stored up in
their fat cells also have plenty of leptin. Their fat cells seem to do a
good job when it comes to increasing production of leptin when this
molecule is needed to help lower appetite and increase fat burning.
However, despite having this plentiful supply of leptin, the leptin
does not seem to do its job effectively. The appetite reduction and
increased fat burn do not seem to take place, even though there is
more leptin being produced. This clearly problematic situation is
called leptin resistance. Our bodies seem to resist the effects of leptin,
even though they would definitely benefit if leptin could do its job.

Research studies make it clear that inflammation is one factor that
can contribute to leptin resistance. In fact, it may be the major factor
involved with leptin resistance for many individuals. Although it is
not yet clear exactly how the two are connected, individuals with
chronic, low-grade inflammation are at greater risk for leptin
resistance.Anyone living or eating in a way that increases their risk
of chronic, unwanted inflammation is also increasing their risk of
appetite problems and fat-burning problems due to this problem of
leptin resistance. This set of facts is one clear reason to why a
Healthiest Way of Eating includes a significant amount of foods that
have anti-inflammatory properties.

Adiponectin Can Also Impact Weight Loss

Like leptin, adiponectin is a regulatory molecule produced by our fat
cells. Unlike leptin, however, adiponectin will be produced in lower
supplies (not greater supplies) by our fat cells when we overeat and
start storing up too much unwanted body fat. Adiponectin acts some-
what like a “fat protector,” making sure that enough fat will be
around in times of short energy supplies. However, excessive and
continual overeating that results in chronic deficiency of adiponectin
is harmful, not helpful, to our health.

Adiponectin is one of the anti-inflammatory fat-cell-produced
molecules that suffers when fat cells become overly loaded with fat.

Healthy Weight Loss — Without Dieting
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