Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

concentratedin extra virgin olive than in other types of olive oil. As
you’ll see in the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan, I place a strong
emphasis on extra virgin olive oil because it has such great health

Avoiding Inflammatory Triggers in Your Meal Plan

Artificial additives, including colors, flavors, and preservatives can
all trigger unwanted inflammatory response in the body, not only in
the digestive system, but in other body systems once these food
toxins get absorbed. On a day-in and day-out basis, processed foods
containing these additives can trigger chronic, low-level inflammation
throughout the body. The Healthy Weight Loss Eating Planavoid
these inflammatory triggers.

To lower your risk in this area, your best bet is to choose whole foods
that are organically grown whenever possible. Locally grown, seasonal
foods are also usually lower in total toxins because they have under-
gone processing and don’t require the same kind of preservation for
extended shelf life. If you cannot purchase either organic or seasonal,
locally grown foods, fresh whole foods—like fresh fruits and
vegetables in their whole, natural form—are still likely to be lower
in total toxins than processed foods found in pre-packaged frozen
dinners or other pre-packaged items.

Achieving a Dietary Balance That Will Prevent

Unwanted Inflammation

Overall dietary balance (and lifestyle balance as well) is extremely
important in preventing chronic inflammation. It’s impossible for
any nutrient, or even a large group of nutrients, to overcome the
problems associated with an unbalanced diet. If your diet includes
too much fat (especially long chain saturated fat), too many
processed foods with simple sugars and little fiber, inadequate protein,
too many calories, too few calories, poor timing, or poor eating
habits (like inadequate chewing and eating under stress), it is going
to be impossible for your anti-inflammatory nutrients to do their job.

World’s Healthiest Foods Reduce Inflammation
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