Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

The amount of calories that a person expends by doing an exercise
depends upon personal factors such as their body weight. There are
numerous calorie expenditure calculators available on the Internet,
which you can use to figure out how much you will burn by partic-
ipating in different forms of exercise and activities.

Remember, before you embark on any exercise program, you’ll want
to check in with your physician who should be familiar enough with
your health to give you personalized guidelines and any important

When following the Plan, you should expect to start developing a
sense of foods, food groups, food selection, recipes, and menu plan-
ning that can serve as a springboard for development of your own
ongoing weight loss approach that takes advantage of nutrient-rich,
whole natural foods and that fits with your individual health status
and lifestyle. You can also expect to get a sense of what a healthy,
1,530 calorie feels like, and how it fits in with your other lifestyle
goals. On a 1,530-calorie diet, many individuals will not be able to
see weekly changes in their weight status unless daily exercise is in-
corporated into their weight loss plan.

How to Start the Plan

Welcome to the Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan—a 28-day guide
to help you lose weight. I believe that everyone can lead a healthy
life and be slim, and that eating healthier affects how you feel, how
much energy you have, and how healthy you are. I have created a
complete Plan to help you lose weight, gain more control of your
health, supercharge your immune system, and help rejuvenate your
entire body. In this Plan you will discover some of the most nutri-
tious foods around—The World's Healthiest Foods.

While you will likely feel the benefits during the first few days,
know that it takes about 4 weeks for a habit to settle in. So give your-
self this time and be patient with yourself as you embark on this

The Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan
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