Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

mote beneficial digestion. As the dinners are satisfying yet not too
heavy, they may also help you with a better night’s sleep.

Each dinner includes a Green Power Side Dish. These easy-to-
prepare foods are at the cornerstone of the Healthiest Way of Eating.
These foods are so rich in chlorophyll and contain so many nutrients
(including flavonoid and carotenoid antioxidants) but yet they have
so few calories that they are essential to healthy weight loss. These
nutrients will help support optimal metabolism because it provides
your body systems with the nutrients it needs; if you don’t have
enough nutrients to support your metabolism, you won’t be able to
optimize your weight loss.

Green Power Side Dishescan be so important for healthy weight
loss. Just think if you ate two cups of green vegetables in place of a
baked potato with butter or margarine, you’ll save over 300 calo-
ries. These foods are also low in GI so they help balance blood sugar.

Sweet Desserts

While desserts are optional in the Plan, if you want dessert, I think
that fresh fruit makes a great one as it can curb a sweet tooth while
at the same time providing you with a storehouse of health-promot-
ing nutrients. These nutrients include antioxidants that help to
quench free radicals in the body. Choosing a healthy sweet dessert
can really make a difference when it comes to weight loss; for ex-
ample, a parfait made with low-fat yogurt and berries will save you
200 calories compared with eating one cup of ice cream.

The Healthy Weight Loss Eating Plan
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