Teach Yourself Visually Drawing

(Kiana) #1

Drawing Demonstration: A Barn

in Two-Point Perspective (continued)

Now lightly draw in your building and any other elements you want in your composition, as we have done here. Even without
any shading, because of the accuracy of the lines, the building and tree already have a sense of form.

The shape of the tree is carefully observed, and it’s “gesture” captured, which also lends it a natural feeling.


If you look carefully at the overall shape of each tree, you will notice that every tree has its own
“personality.” Each has a unique shape, character, and “gesture.” Be careful not to fit your trees
into your picture by shrinking them down or cramping them, because they will lose their grace
and elegance. Observe how branches in most cases taper very gradually. Tapering the branches
too abruptly gives them an artificial look.
More information on the drawing and three-dimensional modeling of trees is discussed on
pages 272–273.
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