Teach Yourself Visually Drawing

(Kiana) #1

Add More Dimension to Your World: Two-Point Perspective chapter 7

Here is the finished drawing. The addition of some detail and texture gives a sense of completion to the drawing. Special care
is taken to not overmodel the areas of detail. If the light areas had been punctuated with darker detail marks that were too
dark, then the feeling of light flooding the area would be lost. A good example of this is in the vertical slats of wood siding on
the barn. They only have to be subtly indicated to explain the nature of the structure to the viewer.

The best way to test whether the details that you’re adding to your drawing are either working or hindering the work is to
periodically step back at least 10 feet from your drawing. If it jumps out at you too much, it’s either too darkly or crisply
drawn, or the accuracy of the perspective is incorrect.

Stowe Barn,by Dean Fisher
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