Teach Yourself Visually Drawing

(Kiana) #1

Discover the Potential of Line chapter 8

You can consider this still-life arrangement as organic by nature because each object doesn’t outwardly conform to a large
geometric form. However, when you look closely, there are a number of unifying rhythms to be found in the setup, which
then tie all of the objects together.

Once the drawing exercise begins on page 132, you should attempt to create a rhythm in your own drawing, based on what
you find in your still life.

As well as a rhythm that links the objects together, it is also possible to impose some geometric forms on the arrangement as
a whole. In the diagram on the right, a triangle and some rectangles (few shapes) have been placed over the still life setup to
indicate some geometric forms. When attempting to create a unified composition, it is useful to break the subject down into
its basic geometric forms. It is also helpful, when establishing the proportion of one object to another, to simplify what you’re
observing into basic squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles.

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