Teach Yourself Visually Drawing

(Kiana) #1

Planar Rendering of Complex Forms chapter 9

In this diagram, the entire deer skull is drawn with a series of cross-sections from front to back. This is the angle from which
the skull will be drawn in the section, “Drawing Demonstration: A Palm and a Deer Skull,” on page 156.

You can see in this illustration how important it is to be able to view an object from all sides before drawing. This is one rea-
son why viewing your subject in real life is so crucial to creating convincing, realistic images. Photographs only give you a
“flat” image of your subject, which demonstrates the shortcomings of working from photographs.

At the beginning stages of your drawing, try to draw cross-sections to help you get a feeling for the topography of the object.
If you draw cross-sections lightly, you’ll be able to erase them at a later stage of the drawing.

Study, by Dean Fisher
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