Teach Yourself Visually Drawing

(Kiana) #1

Gallery: Human Figure Drawings.

The next few pages contain some figure drawings by various artists, which show some different
approaches to drawing the human figure. Always look at as many drawings by different artists as
you can. This will help you to solve technical drawing problems, and identify and define your own

This is a partial image of a toned figure drawing by Jacob Collins. It shows a mastery of technical skill. The figure is evenly lit.
The only shadows occur on those planes of the body that do not receive any light, such as under the chin and jaw, the bot-
tom of the nose, the eyes as they lie underneath the brow bone, and the underside of the raised arm. Collins has drawn this
figure, in terms of blocks, just as in the Poussin image (see page 230). He has developed his blocks by subtly modeling the
areas in the light. Notice that the highlights are limited to the side of the face, the forehead, chest, and upper torso of this

Nikoma,detail, by Jacob Collins, courtesy of the artist
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