In the Studio chapter 3
Ample Space.
As you draw, you can become very involved in minute and unimportant details, particularly in the
early stages of a drawing. Make sure that you have plenty of space to stand back from your drawing
and walk around your subject. When you do so, you can judge your drawing objectively.
It is very important that you are able to work with space
around you. We cannot stress this point enough: You need
room to back away from your drawing to review your work
from a distance. It will give you a fresh “eye” on your work and
also reveal how the drawing is coming together as a whole
structure. Good observation is learning to see how everything
fits together, not simply how a few parts fit together.
It is also valuable to have space around your subject matter. It
may happen that you do not fully understand, visually or men-
tally, what is happening with the objects you have set up. If
this happens, you need to be able to approach your setup to
study it. It is actually impossible to draw something well that
you do not understand. This situation probably happens more
often when drawing from a model, but it can also occur in
other settings.
Never be afraid to really examine your subject as closely as
possible. A lack of understanding of your subject cannot be
hidden in your drawing, and it will become apparent no mat-
ter how you try to hide it. Working from photographs will not
allow you this freedom of investigation.