Teach Yourself Visually Drawing

(Kiana) #1

Arrange and Light

Your Subject (continued)

Eye-Level Answers
Here the viewer is looking down into the jar; conse-
quently, your eye level is above the jar. Notice that you
can still see the pebbles only through the glass; you can-
not see them directly from the top, as the viewer is sit-
ting back from the jar, not leaning over the jar.

Eye Level

Now, the viewer is looking directly at the jar, just about
three-quarters of the way down the jar. You cannot see
down into the top of the jar. However, because the jar is
made of glass, you can see the back of the jar through
the front of it. Notice the bottom left side of the jar, and
see how it is arranged at a 45-degree angle. The angle is
less vertical, and more horizontal, than the same side of
the jar in the previous example.


The viewer is looking slightly up at these objects. The
table is obscuring your view of the bottom of the
objects. You are unable to see the tops of the objects;
and they are visible only from the side. A small part of
the objects’ lids on the left are showing, but they are
very small. Notice that the lids are curving down slightly.

Eye Level

Here the viewer is sitting lower and farther back from the
objects. The eye level is lower, the table appears higher,
and the bottom portion of the objects is obscured by the
table. The curves of the lids are curving down more
noticeably than in the previous example. These differ-
ences are slight, but keen observation is an important
tool for an artist—you must practice it constantly.

Eye Level
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