chapter 6
The Ellipse in
Perspective Introduction to One-Point Perspective
The horizon line in this example is in line with the top of
the object. You draw this simply as a straight line.
In this drawing, you can see more of the tops of the
objects. You cannot see the ellipse of the back of the jug
because it is leaning slightly away from you.
Look at the array of ellipses in this drawing. Notice how
round and smooth the edges are. A common mistake is
to make the edges pointed. These edges become
rounder as the eye level moves up.
An ellipse is simply a circle in perspective. The cube examples show how the top surface becomes
more visible as the eye level or horizon line becomes higher. The same effect happens with the tops
of rounded objects.
Try creating a tonal drawing of a similar object from the
same eye level as shown here. You may have to practice
the shape a number of times, as it can be difficult to
draw curves. Pay attention to the shapes of the shadows
within the object, and draw the shadows first. In this
photo of the same still life setup as the first example,
notice how much rounder the ellipses become in the lip
of the small bottle and the bowl when the eye level
becomes higher.
Aidan with Vases,by Dean Fisher
by Roger Van Damme,
courtesy of the artist