Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1
Arranging and Orchestration Concepts !! 115

De ́tache ́(meaning detached) is marked with a line under each note.
The bow must move quickly through the note and remain on the note for
the duration of the note. De ́tache ́is normally used with dynamics that are
not too soft, and the note values and tempo must give the player enough
time to perform the bowing. If the notes change too quickly, the bowing
cannot be performed.
Loure ́has the same marking as de ́tache ́except that it contains slur
markings that indicate that a series of notes should be played during one
bowing direction, with a brief stop between attacks. Each time a new slur
occurs, the direction of the bow changes.
Tremolois created by the bow moving rapidly up and down through
a certain note value without regard to tempo. It creates a dramatic result
and is effective played at any dynamic marking. Tremolo is indicated by a
series of lines under a note(s).
Sul ponticello—To play close to the bridge. This creates a very thin
sound and works well while playing a tremolo.
Sul tasto—To play near or over the fingerboard. This creates a nonde-
script tone.
Col legno(meaning ‘‘with the wood’’) is achieved by hitting the
strings with the wood of the bow. This creates a dramatic effect and is
most effectively used in small staccato sections. The wordnormal is
marked as an indication that the player should return to normal bowing.
Portamentois a sliding of the finger(s) from one note to another. (Por-
tamento is often used in synthesizer programming.) This is marked with
a line connecting the high note to the low note or the low note to the high
Amute, which is normally a piece of wood, is inserted on the bridge,
creating a mellow, muffled sound. The part is markedsordinito indicate
the use of mutes, andsenza sordiniindicates no mutes or to remove the
Sur la touche—The bow is played higher up on the fingerboard than
the bridge. This creates a pure and softer sound.
Vibratois the signature sound of all string players. It is a rapid move-
ment of the finger below the pitch but returns quickly to the correct pitch.
Vibrato is a technique that is perfected by each player and one of the
salient factors that determines a performer’s unique sound. In early music,
vibrato was frowned on but later became an accepted technique. If a com-
poser does not want vibrato, it is marked in the score by writingno vibrato
Atrillis a rapid movement of the fingers from one note to another. It
is marked in the score with the symboltrand sometimes has the second-
ary note indicated in parentheses. If no note is indicated, the common
practice is to trill between the written note and a note one-half or one full
step higher.
Harmonics(the overtones of a note) can be played as individual tones

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