Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1
Arranging and Orchestration Concepts !! 133

trunks and limbs that are cleaned out to make the tube hollow; most are
made from bamboo. It has a low sound and is often played with complex
rhythm patterns. It is a popular sound in film music.
The player vibrates his lips and gently blows into the instrument while
simultaneously projecting sounds of various animals with his vocal
chords. Some animals are very difficult to project, and replication of their
sounds requires an expert. They are built in a variety of sizes.


Most clarinets have plastic mouthpieces; some are made of glass, crystal,
wood, and hard rubbers. They have a single reed attached. The instrument
is held vertically. There are a variety of clarinets currently being used:

  • Clarinets are pitched in B-flat, A, and E-flat.

  • The alto clarinet is pitched in E-flat.

  • The bass clarinet is pitched in B-flat.

Clarinet in B-Flat

The B-flat clarinet is the standard clarinet used in popular music. (Clari-
nets are built in many keys.) The clarinet is one of the most popular instru-
ments in both jazz (e.g., Benny Goodman) and orchestral music.
Clarinetists have facile techniques, and the instrument has a wide range.
A clarinet section has a beautiful mellow sound and can create a ‘‘cush-
ion’’ to an arrangement. Solo clarinet has a pure, round tone and is used
extensively for solos in both classical music and jazz. In a Dixieland band,
a clarinet can sound raucous playing a rhythmic song and soothing when
playing a ballad. Clarinets blend beautifully with the other woodwinds
and strings. An extensive repertoire is written for clarinet.
Range:Parts are written in the treble clef and sound one step lower
than where they are written. The lowest written note is E, below the treble
clef, and the highest written note is A, one octave above the treble clef.
Some clarinetists can play higher (see example 6-33).

Example 6-33 B-flat clarinet range: staff indicates where the parts are written.
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