2 !!Chapter 1
In general, after months of market research, clients provide advertising
agencies with a list (referred to as a ‘‘laundry list’’) of marketing objectives.
The clients want their objectives integrated in the advertising. Agencies are
often involved in choosing the objectives. In most agencies, the key cre-
ative, research, and account people work with clients to plan creative strat-
egies that will best accomplish their business objectives. Composers must
understand the business of advertising in order to create music that
accommodates the business strategies of specific products. Composers
have to work within that structure, which varies between agencies.
The following is a creative brief (laundry list) for a beauty product. The
name of the product has been withheld.
Creative Brief for Television
Advertising Objective
- To generate awareness and promote trial of (product name)
- To drive the customer to the counter to purchase the product and/
or receive a complimentary sample with a consultation on how to
use the product
Target Audience
- Forty-plus female users of facial treatment products who are con-
cerned about the signs of aging - Women who want to reduce wrinkles
Customer Benefit
- The product is a unique formula designed to reduce and correct the
appearance of wrinkles.
Reason to Believe
- The formula is patented by the manufacturer and delivers powerful,
full-strength, antiwrinkle benefits within the skin’s surface layers.
The targeted formula is time released to fight wrinkles continuously
for 16 hours. - After two weeks: Fine lines begin to disappear, and smoother skin
is revealed. - After four weeks: Surface wrinkles are reduced, age spots fade, and
skin is visibly resurfaced.
- Breakthrough, contemporary
- Efficacious, scientific, and technological
- 30-second television spot