4 !!Chapter 1
ambitious women who have careers in business, denoting that they are
generally intelligent and educated people.
Psychographicsis the study of psychological reasons for consumers’ behav-
iors. Research can determine the influences of lifestyle and the psychologi-
cal traits that motivate them to purchase certain products. There are many
products for which demographics do not necessarily affect sales. For
instance, consumers’ ages for many products might range from 20 to 75,
and their gender is irrelevant. The product claims to solve a problem or
concern of the purchaser. For example, consumers frequent health food
stores to acquire special vitamins that claim to help their memories. The
advertising is geared toward health issues or emotional needs rather than
catering to a specific age or income demographic.
Example of Psychographics
For many years, Clairol (the beauty care company) used the popular
slogan ‘‘Does she... or doesn’t she?’’ In 2002, they changed their
entire focus and used the slogan ‘‘A beauty all your own’’ for all of
their hair color products. The intention was to convey the message
that beauty comes in all forms. They were not targeting consumers
of a specific age or weight or folks who belong to a specific group.
The message is that beauty is individual; there is not just one stan-
dard. This was the first time in 50 years that Clairol focused on over-
all image rather than on individual products.
The results of their research showed that women rejected one
beauty standard that is conveyed primarily through advertising; in
addition, attitudes toward aging and multiculturalism have
changed. One of their print ads showed a picture of eleven happy-
looking women of various ages, ethnicities, and hair colors with the
printed slogan ‘‘a beauty all their own.’’
Although Clairol’s products are geared toward women, this is a
good example of psychographic advertising. (Arguably, Clairol
could be considered a cross between psychographic and demo-
graphic advertising since it appeals to women of all ages.)
View their current website at http://www.clairol.com. They are using
long-form video commercials designed for the Internet called ‘‘Wel-
come to Shade Aid.’’ The videos are designed to help women decide
on the proper color for their hair. Internet advertising has proven