Corporate Videos and Infomercials!! 179
Testimonials by satisfied customers are significant segments. Some direc-
tors want the same basic music for each testimonial. Sometimes the
arrangements and durations vary, but the basic theme music remains the
same. The music used to accompany testimonials should create product
Opening Theme
Compose an identifiable theme for the opening. Some directors want com-
posers to develop scores by incorporating variations of the theme music.
Rearranging the theme as well as using motifs taken from the theme’s mel-
ody are common practice. This technique is often used in film scoring. If a
composer decides to incorporate this approach, get approval from the
director prior to composing the music.
Composers must try to compose a cohesive score rather than individual
cues with no musical relationship. Approach an infomercial or corporate
video as if writing a film score rather than a commercial. The purpose is
to sell or inform—not necessarily to entertain, although the film/video
must keep the audience’s attention. (Some music companies specialize in
composing music for infomercials, and other companies specialize in com-
posing music for corporate videos.)
- Watch several infomercials on television. Compare the manner in
which the program is formatted with the placement and use of
music. - Record testimonials and CTAs from an infomercial, mute the music,
and compose original music for those segments. (Suggestion: write
down the dialogue and record it, using your voice, into a computer
music-sequencing program.) - Prior to composing, watch and analyze several corporate videos.
Compare the general formats and note their similarities and differ-