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Late fees are applicable if payments are not received within the time frame
stated in each union agreement. If music houses do not submit contracts
in a timely manner, they will be responsible to pay the late fees; the agen-
cies will not be fined. (The agencies deduct late fees from the final payment
to the music companies.)
The unions require that all performers hired for a recording session
be ‘‘in good standing.’’This means that the performers have paid their
dues and that there are no supplementary problems that would hinder
their eligibility to perform. The agencies or music companies may be fined
if they do not verify each individual’s status prior to a recording session.
The date of a recording session must be reported to the union prior
to a session.The information required by the unions is the name of the
advertising agency, the product name, and the date that the session will
occur. If the session is not reported, the unions often fine the music com-
Musicians and/or singers recording in states that require union member-
ship to perform on commercials must join one or more of the following
unions: the AFM (musicians who perform on television and radio com-
mercials), the SAG (singers who sing on television commercials), and the
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) (singers
who sing on radio commercials).
Music houses in states that require union membership must be signa-
tories to certain unions, or they cannot contract musicians and singers. The
following applies as well:
- Some states require union membership for performers to accept
union jobs. - Union members may not accept nonunion jobs, under any circum-
stances, without prior permission from the union. For example, the
unions might allow performers to work on public service commer-
cials without receiving union scale. - Some states, called right-to-work states, do not require union mem-
bership to work. (Twenty-two U.S. states are right-to-work states.)
Research the laws of the state you are working in. - Understand the terms of performers’ unions and follow them
exactly as stated. Sizable fines can be assessed for not complying
with the rules.
The following information applies to the unions in the United States. Con-
tact each organization or view their websites to gain in-depth information.
Similar unions and performing-rights organizations exist in other coun-