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stronger partnership that benefits us all.’’ JPC chief negotiator Doug Wood
issued the following statement: ‘‘This early collaborative effort between
the unions and the industry is a balanced compromise, and provides the
time needed to develop a comprehensive model that fairly compensates
performers and ensures that advertisers receive a fair return on their
investment. Today’s call for accountability at all levels of business requires
nothing less. I echo the comments of both John and Mathis that this break-
through agreement was made possible by both sides working together and
recognizing one another’s critical needs going forward.’’
The results of the joint study will be considered in the next bargaining
process surrounding the advertising industry’s collective bargaining
agreement with AFTRA/SAG. Nine consultants from the industry and
academia were invited to respond to a request for proposal for the joint
study on May 17. Since the early 1960s, AFTRA and SAG have jointly nego-
tiated the collectively bargained recorded commercials contracts.
These agreements cover commercial work in both television and radio
and address such issues as session, holding, foreign, theatrical/industrial,
and Internet fees; wild spot use fees and schedules; voice-over performers
and on-camera work on cable; and health and pension benefits. Through-
out the year, AFTRA and SAG work together on various issues related to
commercial work.
The following are the session rates charged by AFTRA for the partici-
pation of actors, announcers, and singers in radio commercials. This
Schedule of Minimum Fees should serve as a paradigm for rate schedules
published by other performers’ unions. (Visit the SAG and AFM websites
to view their session fee schedules.)
2006–2008 Extension to the AFTRA Radio Recorded
Commercials Contract
Schedule of Minimum Fees
Paragraph 6: Minimum compensation, or ‘‘session fees’’
6.B. Actor, announcer, solo, duo: $249.50
Group singer/speaker, 3–5: $183.80
6–8: $162.65
9 &: $144.30
6.G. $275.70
Paragraph 9: Wild spots, 13-week use rates
A. Actors, announcers, solos, duos
- Lineup of cities not including New York, Chicago, or Los
1 unit: $249.50
2–25 units, add per unit: $3.67