250 !!Index
and, 201, 226–30, 235–37; trademark
protection, 218.See alsocopyright
laws; unions
legato, 36
Legends of the Fall, 212
Lennertz, Christopher, 200
Leslie speakers, 31, 99
libraries: film libraries, 6; music, 171,
licensing, of music, 147–48, 183, 201,
205–6, 236–37
lifts, 149
Lightstone, Hank, 187
limited productions, 6
limiters, 53
Lindy Hop, 25, 30
line-level inputs, 51
The Lion King, 36
Lions for Lambs, 181
lip-synching, 10
litigation, 204
Live Free or Die Hard, 181
live sound reinforcement, 96, 201
logos, musical, 8, 11, 81, 151
long-form commercials.Seeinfomer-
longitudinal time code, 55
looped tracks, 26, 90
Lord of the Rings,185, 190
low-pass filters, 50
Lucas, Victor, 190
lyrics: clarity of, 151, 157; clients and,
149; copywriters and, 16–17, 88,
149–50; demos and, 150–51, 195;
legal issues and, 157–58; scoring, 87,
89; tempos and, 150
mambo, 37
maracas, 78
mariachi music, 78
marimba, 109–10, 110
market research, 2–7
master aux sends, 53
master fader, 52
Mayhew, Mark, 176–77
McGuire, John, 229
melismas, 32
melodies: Aramaic music and, 37; com-
mercials and, 10, 59, 73–75, 146; con-
tinuo and, 28; Gregorian chant and,
28–29, 45; historical forms and,
66–68; jazz and, 30; musical logos
and, 8, 11, 81, 151; orchestration and,
87, 89, 143; ostinatos and, 76, 78–79;
vocals and, 153–54.See alsojingles
memory, xi
Meranus, Arthur, 18–19, 25
meter changes,75, 167
metronome, 41
microphone levels, 51, 70
MIDI.SeeMusical Instrument Digital
Midler, Bette, 27
mistakes, in composing, 38–40, 71–75
mixing, 40–42, 50–54, 70, 158
mock-ups, 195, 199, 203
Modernaires, 30
modulations, 90
monitor section outputs, 53
Monster House, 186
Montreal Neurological Institute, 66–67
moods: commercials and, 40, 200; jin-
gles and, 90; music and, xii; tempos
and, 60, 84, 90; unity of, 23
Moog synthesizers, 81
motifs, 75–76, 179
motion picture trailers, 181–88
The Mozart Compendium(Landon), 38
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 37, 38, 77,
MP3s, 234
Mulligan, Jerry, 139
multiple meter changes,75, 167
Murciano, Raul, Jr., 32–33
music: in advertising, 7–8; Aramaic
music, 37; banned, xi; chamber
music, 35; choral music, 71, 90, 96,
154; culture, worldwide, 1; elec-
tronic, 41–42; emotion and, xi, 71, 77,
243–44; for films, xi, 21–22, 24, 37;
form and, 68–70; genres of, 16, 39,
70, 79, 184; from libraries, 171,
183–85; licensing of, 147–48, 183,
201, 205–6, 236–37; moods and, xii;
nonlinear, 191, 200; producers, 8–9;
research and, 5; swing music, 30;