20 !!Chapter 1
Agencies are asked to help clients ‘‘invent’’ new product ideas. The
research involves trying to determine what consumers need, or want, that
is not available; clients then develop a product(s) to fit that need(s).
!!I have written music for
fictional products; the prod-
uct labels and commercials
have been developed as if
the products existed. Some-
times, this work is tested to
see if it is prudent to spend
considerable resourses for
product development. Until
the recent past, prescription
drugs were not advertised
to the public. The purpose
of the advertising is for pa-
tients to ask doctors to pre-
scribe them. Prescription
drugs are heavily advertised
on broadcast television and
radio, cable and satellite
outlets, on the Internet, and
in print advertising. The
general public is now aware
of many prescription drugs.
- Select a product that has a demo-
graphic audience. State the name of
the product and the target audi-
ence. Suggest several musical styles
that would appeal to that audience
and the reasons for choosing the
musical styles. Compose two 30-
second pieces (instrumental) of
music in the appropriate style. - Select a product that has a psycho-
graphic audience. State the name of
the product and the target audi-
ence. Suggest several musical styles
that would appeal to that audience
and the reasons for choosing the
musical styles. Compose two 30-
second pieces (instrumental) of
music in the appropriate style. - Select a product that has a socio-
graphic audience. State the name of
the product and the target audi-
ence. Suggest several musical styles that would appeal to that audi-
ence and the reasons for choosing the musical styles. Compose two
30-second pieces (instrumental) of music in the appropriate style. - Refer to the briefing (‘‘Creative Brief for Television’’) earlier in this
chapter. Write two 30-second instrumental pieces, in different
styles, that will accomplish the objectives. Explain the reasoning
behind each approach.