40 !!Chapter 3
is essential to be familiar with the tessitura (best-
sounding range) of each instrument.
Common Problems
Writing in the wrong register.A part might sound suitable on a piano or
synthesizer but might not sound appropriate played on the real instru-
ment. Some synthesizers are able to play notes that exceed the registers of
the real instruments they are emulating. For the music to sound authentic,
study the ranges of the instruments and their tessituras.
Not using the proper voicings or harmonies when composing or
arranging in a specific genre.For example, if writing in the classical style,
study the harmonic and compositional theoretical practices of the classical
period. Follow the same practice when writing music for the baroque
period and all other musical time periods. In contemporary popular
music, there is extensive use of samples (digital recordings that can be trig-
gered with a keyboard or other instruments using MIDI) and electronic
music. Be acquainted with the nuances of the style.
Determining the proper key for singers.The key affects the emotional
feeling of a composition. If a key is too high, the voice may sound strained;
if it is too low, it can sound lackluster. The key might be physically out of
range for a singer. Audition the key with the singer before finalizing the
The key of a composition directly affects the mood of the music.
Playing a composition in various keys evokes a completely different ambi-
ence to the same composition. A high key may sound lively, whereas a
lower key may sound too dark.
Utilizing inappropriate instruments.Emulating music written in
1948, using an electric bass guitar would not be appropriate because the
instrument was not invented until 1951. If the assignment was to compose
music in a traditional symphonic form, the saxophone would, in all proba-
bility, not be used, with certain exceptions. Do not let music get in the way
of dialogue. If the music is in the same frequency range, the scene will
sound too cluttered. [Listen to track$9 on the enclosed CD.]
The foregoing are some of the pitfalls that can be experienced if careful
attention is not given to all composing and arranging decisions.
MIDI is the acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Synthe-
sizers are manufactured by many companies, and inputting them through
MIDI routers enables the devices to synchronize with each other and to