Musical Skills!! 53
Singers or instrumentalists request customized balances in their head-
phones (e.g., more vocal, a louder bass, less drums, and so on).
Engineers and music producers determine the use of the aux sends;
many devices and uses can be assigned. Most consoles have eight or more
aux sends.
Returnssend back the processed signal to the output of the console.
Master aux sendsandmaster returnsset the overall master output
and input levels of the devices (reverbs, delays, and so on) assigned to each
send/return. The level of each aux send is changeable.
If the master send level or return level of a reverb unit is too ‘‘hot,’’ the
reverb, which is used only on the tracks the engineer chooses, will distort.
This can be adjusted by lowering the input and/or output level of the
device. If the master output level is too low and an individual aux send is
turned up, very little effect will be heard. The solution is to increase the
level of the master send (to the aux sends) and/or master return.
Limiters, expanders, noise gates, and compressors (previously
described) are built into expensive consoles and are included with most
sequencing programs. If these devices are not built into the console, out-
board gear is used. They are essential to recording and mixing.
The gain / trim knobenables engineers to achieve additional gain to
an incoming signal. For instance, many instruments or microphones have
When balancing the levels of individual faders, frequently a signal is
too weak. The fader might be set to its maximum gain, but the output level
remains insufficient. The trim knob increases the level of the signal. (Com-
pressors and expanders might also help solve this problem.)
Channel inputsenable signals to enter a signal path, andchannel out-
putsenable the signals to be heard.
The assignment buttons, which are located within each channel strip
on a recording console, send a channel’s signal to an outside source, such
as a tape recorder. If the kick drum is on channel 1, it can be bused to track
5 or another track on a tape recorder by depressing the number 5 button.
Many consoles require the engineer to turn a knob to the left to access odd-
numbered assignment buttons and to the right to enable even-numbered
buttons. (Individual channels can be bused to group faders.)
The monitor section outputs the combined audio signals to the
speaker monitors. Some consoles have a separate monitor system that can
be used for various purposes, such as a separate headphone mix. The B
monitor section allows engineers to adjust the balances without disrupting
the overall balance of the A monitor section.
On most consoles, channel strips have VU meters. A meter displays
signal strength and distortion. As previously mentioned, distorted signals
can be very subtle, and the meter reading will help determine the source