This second edition ofWriting Music for Television and Radio Commercials
(and More)is intended to be an overview of the creative process of compos-
ing music for commercials and other related compositional genres. (Sepa-
rate books could be written about several of the subjects covered.) The
tools of composition and arranging and how to approach and analyze cre-
ative situationscanbe taught, but talentcannotbe taught. Applying the
analytical and creative methods suggested in this book will assist compos-
ers in achieving their creative goals. When interacting with advertising
agencies, composers are immersed in a surreal mixture of music and busi-
ness. The goal of advertising agencies is to please clients by creating viable
and successful advertising campaigns, which helps to sell products or to
create images for their products and/or their overall brand(s). It is a com-
poser’s job to compose music that best suits commercials, not to necessar-
ily write music that satisfies him or her personally. The ideal solution is to
compose music that satisfies both the creative needs of composers and the
business objectives of agencies and their clients.
To gain the most from this book, it is advisable but not necessary to
have a basic knowledge of theory, harmony, and orchestration. Many suc-
cessful jingle writers lack a formal music education. It is unusual for com-
posers who specialize in traditional underscoring (background music) not
to have a formal music education. The book will also be helpful to students
interested in film scoring. Composing commercials is a unique craft and
should be studied as a separate discipline. Advertising writers, art direc-
tors, and music producers can also read sections of this book to under-
stand the creative process from a composer’s viewpoint.
Please note that the CD included with the book contains examples of
various musical genres and sound effects discussed in the text. When a CD
track applies directly to the subject matter, you will be directed to listen to
a specific track.