Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1
Underscoring!! 75

Example 5-2 Multiple meter changes

This scenario presents a creative problem. What devices can the com-
poser use to make the composition flow instead of sounding choppy and
unnatural? The answer depends on the nature of the composition prior to
the hit. We know (from the assignment) that there must be a flowing mel-
ody and that it has to lead into the product shot, which will require an
effect. We also know that the composition has a percussive engine propel-
ling the track. One solution might be to keep the percussive pattern
throughout the hit and have the melody end just before the hit and then
lead into the next section with a percussion fill, which is a common con-
nective device. When a groove is continuous, even though the time signa-
ture might vary, the groove will, most likely, continue to sound natural.
Another solution may be to merely have a sudden stop where the hit
occurs and play the effect for the product shot, followed by a drum pickup,
which leads back into the groove.
Depending on the melodic structure, it is sometimes possible to add
extended note durations or subtract durations in order to meet the needs
of the film. For instance, if the time signature did not change and the mel-
ody note was a quarter note, one beat short of the following hit, try extend-
ing the quarter note to a half note, which allows the next section of the
melody to begin on the hit. This solution does not always create a flowing
melody that sounds natural. It sometimes requires a restructuring of the
There are many possible solutions to this problem and similar compo-
sitional problems. These examples are offered so that students can under-
stand how to approach a similar situation. Experimentation will generally
bring a satisfactory solution.

Compositional Techniques

There are certain techniques that can help determine an initial composi-
tional style for a commercial. With experience, composers develop many
‘‘tools’’ that help generate compositional ideas.
Choose a theme for each character.Some commercials have several
actors. If time permits, a short motif can be written for each character. This

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