
(Dana P.) #1

Simple Linear Regression 37



FIGUre 2.5 Least Squares Regression Fit for Exponential Functional Relationship

taBLe 2.3 Values of Exponential Relationship between x and y Including Least
Squares Regression Fit, yˆ

x y yˆ

0.3577 1.5256 1.4900

1.0211 2.8585 2.8792

3.8935 49.1511 49.8755

4.3369 76.5314 77.4574

4.6251 102.0694 103.1211

5.7976 329.5516 330.3149

5.9306 376.3908 376.9731

7.1745 1305.7005 1296.2346

7.1917 1328.3200 1318.5152

7.5089 1824.2675 1806.7285

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