CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1

172 | CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Guidebook

The Envelope tool lets you create interesting border

Incorporating and creating content

After designing the border, you can add
content to the sign. In some cases, you may
have received content from your client, such as
a business logo or a tagline. In other cases, you
may need to design the content from scratch,
beginning with a scanned concept drawing.
Here are some useful tools and features to help
you quickly and effectively add content to your


Your client may send you a font preference for
the sign. The client’s business brand may
require a certain font, or the client may submit
several fonts and ask you to create a few

If the file that you receive from your client
contains a font that you cannot identify, you
can use CorelDRAW or Corel PHOTO-PAINT to
access the WhatTheFont?! Web site.
WhatTheFont?! lets you capture and submit a
font sample for quick and easy identification.
(The Web site is available in English only.)

Give it a try
1 Do one of the following:

  • In CorelDRAW, click Te x t `

  • In Corel PHOTO-PAINT, click Object Te x t WhatTheFont?!.
    2 Drag to create a marquee around the font
    that you want to identify.
    3 Click inside the capture area, or press Enter
    to complete the capture.
    The WhatTheFont?! Web site appears and
    offers suggestions to help you identify the


The PowerClip feature in CorelDRAW makes it
easy to trim a bitmap image so that it fits
within the border of your sign or another
vector object.

Give it a try
1 Select a bitmap, and position it underneath
the vector object.
You can use the Object manager docker
to make sure that the bitmap is below the
vector object in the stacking order, so that
the vector object is visible.
2 Click Effects ` PowerClip ` Place inside
3 Move the arrow pointer to the object in
which you want to place the bitmap image,
and click to apply the PowerClip effect.

Right-click the PowerClip object, and
choose Edit PowerClip to extract the
bitmap from the PowerClip container. You
can then modify the bitmap or change its
position within the container. When you’re
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