212 | CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Guidebook
3 Do one of the following:
- In CorelDRAW, click Te x t ` Fit text to
path. - In Corel PHOTO-PAINT, click Object
Te x t
Fit text to path.
The pointer changes.
4 Move the pointer over the path.
In CorelDRAW, you can preview where the
text will be fitted.
5 Click where you want to place the text.
If the text is fitted to a closed path, the text
is centered on the path. If the text is fitted
to an open path, the text flows from the
point of insertion.
6 Adjust the text’s orientation, distance from
path, mirroring, and other properties by
using the controls on the property bar.
To s e p a r a t e t e x t f r o m a p a t h i n C o r e l D R A W,
select the text, and click Arrange ` Break
text apart. To straighten the text, make
sure that the text is selected, and click Te x t
` Straighten text.
To specify tick spacing in CorelDRAW, select
the text by using the Pick tool, click Tick
snapping on the property bar, enable tick
snapping, and type a value in the Tick
spacing box.
To type artistic text directly on a path in
CorelDRAW, select the path by using the
Pick tool, and click Te x t ` Fit text to
path. A text cursor is inserted directly on
the path. To type text on a path in
Corel PHOTO-PAINT, click the Te x t tool,
and move the pointer over a path. When
the pointer changes, click where you want
the text to begin.
You can fit text to a path so that the text follows the
outline of an object.
Adding images
By using graphic elements, you can add
interest and draw attention to the main
message of your design.
File import
You can import files that were created in other
applications. For example, you can import TIFF,
JPEG, PNG, and Adobe® Illustrator® (AI) files.
When you import a file, it is placed in the active
application window as an object. You can
resize or center a file as you import it.
Give it a try
1 Click File ` Import.
2 Navigate to the folder that contains the file
to be imported.
3 Select the file, and click Import.
4 Click where you want to place the file.
If you want to resize the image as you
import it, drag in the document window.