CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1
Chapter 4: CorelDRAW Basics | 33

For more information about workspace
components, see “CorelDRAW workspace
tour” in the Help.

Starting a document

When you start a new document (File ` New),
you can set various document properties in the
Create a new document dialog box.

You can name the document, set the page size,
select a color mode, such as CMYK or RGB, and
set color profiles.

The Create a new document dialog box lets you
specify a wide range of document properties.

Text tool

The Te x t tool lets you type words
directly on-screen as artistic or
paragraph text.

Table tool

The Ta b l e tool lets you draw and
edit tables.

Zoom tool

The Zoom tool lets you change the
magnification level in the document
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