Spanish: An Essential Grammar

(Tuis.) #1
Other common verbs that follow this pattern include:

acordarse de remember mostrar show
acostarse lie down negar deny

atravesar cross oler smell
calentar heat up perder lose
cerrar close plegar fold

comenzar begin poder be able to
confesar confess probar prove/try

consolar console recomendar recommend
contar count recordar remember

costar cost resolver resolve
defender defend rogar ask
disolver dissolve soler be accustomed to

doler hurt soltar release
encontrar find sonar sound

fregar wipe soñar dream
morder bite volar fly

Compounds of the above follow this pattern.
Apart from their 1st person forms tengoand vengo, the verbs tener‘have’
and venir ‘come’ also follow this pattern in the present indicative, in the
latter case with appropriate -irendings.
Oler‘smell’ adds an hwhenever o > ue: huelo, huelesetc.
1 If a noun that is derived from a verb contains stressed ieor ue, this usually indi-
cates that the verb belongs to this group of radical changing verbs, e.g. recuerdo
‘memory’ (fromrecordar), vuelta ‘return’ (from volver), cierre‘closure’ (from
cerrar),sueño‘dream’ (from soñar). The converse is not necessarily the case,
however. For example, although costaris radical changing, the associated noun
is coste orcosto.
2 The verbs jugar‘play’ and adquirir‘acquire’ behave like the verbs illustrated in
Tables 10.3 and 10.4, except that the vowel changes are from u > ueand from
i > ie: e.g. juego,juegas etc. and adquiero, adquieresetc.


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