The Green Beauty Guide: Your Essential Resource to Organic and Natural Skin Care, Hair Care, Makeup, and Fragrances

(Greg DeLong) #1

It couldn’t be simpler: pay attention to what’s going on with your skin today and adjust your skin
care routine accordingly. Whenever your skin feels different, the cosmetic industry suggests that you
need to spend a fortune on an entire new set of cleansers, toners, and moisturizers, but you can get
away with much more subtle yet effective changes. If your skin feels dry, wash it as usual, but add a
drop or two of facial oil underneath your usual moisturizer. If your skin feels oily, don’t try to cleanse
it excessively or soak up the oil with a new drying, alcohol-based toner or moisturizer. Just carry
around blotting papers and use them frequently. In the evening, apply a clay-based mask to absorb
excess oil and debris from pores, drink a cup of soothing tea, and use a lightweight serum instead of
your nighttime moisturizer.

If your skin suddenly starts behaving oddly, it may be that it is reacting to a new product or, sadly,
developed an allergy to something you’ve been using for quite a while. Carefully reevaluate your skin
care routine, checking for possible irritants; pare down your morning and evening skin care regimen;
and use soothing baby care products until the condition improves. This way, you will only need a few
additional products: a pack of blotting papers and a clay mask for oilier days, a soothing and
hydrating serum for sensitive days, and a lightweight, possibly homemade facial oil blend for days
when your skin feels dry and tight. Spend less, waste less—this is one of the main principles of green

Green Cleansing Essentials

For some people, the condition of their skin starts improving once they master the art of cleansing.
Surprisingly, this is very simple. Here are essential tips for getting a good facial cleansing.

Pick the Green Product

And we aren’t talking color here. There are many great natural and organic cleansers available,
from traditional foaming gels suitable for heavy makeup users to soothing cleansing milks and waters
that do not lather and are great for those makeup-free days. There are newer types of cleansers such
as self-foaming cloths and pillows that are both convenient and very effective. For a double-cleansing
technique that leaves skin truly clean, use lightweight cleansing oils. They are becoming a very hot

Your skin condition is the key to choosing the right texture of cleanser. You should avoid abrasive
scrubs with scrubbing particles if you have any kind of skin irritation. Pimples, sunburns, and rashes
should not be scrubbed because tiny particles break the protective cell layer and increase

If your skin is dry, keep away from cleansing creams that do not require rinsing because they will
block the pores and leave an impermeable film on the surface of your skin. Your skin will retain more
moisture but won’t absorb any beneficial ingredients from moisturizers and serums you may use after

Use the Right Tools

Ideally, you should use only the fingertips for facial cleansing. Do not use any kind of sponges,
Buf-Pufs, or abrasive pads on irritated skin for the same reason you shouldn’t use scrubs. During a
double-cleansing, a clean muslin cloth is very handy for rinsing off the oily cleanser after the first
step. Cotton balls can leave behind annoying fibers that can get into your eyes and make life

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